Acer Aspire 5733Z Reviews

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Acer Aspire 5733Z Reviews

.... January 16th, 2016

It has gone with me everywhere I go..... and survived!

I have had this laptop for several years now and I must say, It has been an awesome laptop! I carry it in my backpack with me and it undergone a lot of stressful situations with me. The durability of this laptop is above 5 stars! The only problem I have had is with the USB ports on the right hand side. After opening up the laptop, I discovered that the cable that connects the USB ports into the socket on the motherboard is slightly too small in length. If they would have provided just as little as 1/4" extra cable, it would have been perfect. As the laptop gets older, I find myself having to take it apart to put the cable back into the socket, which is becoming quite an annoyance. Overall though, this laptop has gone above and beyond what it was advertised as. The last downside to this laptop is the lack of a HDMI port. There have been many times where I could have utilized a HDMI port, but it is not THAT big of a deal. I would rate this laptop 4/5 stars overall! Thank you Acer!

.... March 11th, 2013

I got Aspire 5733z by acer last march and am selling 1/2 off and feel bad...

I've found Acer's customer service to be ludicrous. My 1st call to them was for an actual install disc for the os and though it was like pulling teeth i was finally assured they would generate and send one. Instead I got the recovery discs I could easily make myself. I wanted to factory reset completely from the partition and the computer wouldn't simply do it. I got a msg that said all data from the hard drive must be erased to use the recovery partition. I carefully tried twice eliminate all data while specifying all partitions but the "Hidden Locked Partition" when I got the same error I contacted Acer and was told just to run the disc eraser ignoring the recovery partition because it "Is locked and can't be affected." I ran Kill-disc from boot and it totally erased the recovery partition and Acer's response was basically to say that cant be the case. Not only did this make real factory reset impossible but the a fore mentioned discs they sent me only allowed me to get the win 7 home basic x86 only when it came with Home premium x86/x64. Again the help line was sooo not helpful. I wound up putting a x64 OEM on the machine, so change the inherent price from 340 to 440ish, but now Im discovering the Acer hardware suddenly wont let me boot from any os disc ive tried including the os disc that it's currently running. This last bit is just annoying as i can pull out the drive and reset the CMOS but still I thought I bore mention. Ok enough personal testimony, the machine's hardware is passable i guess if u have fairly undemanding needs. The internal wireless card likes to cut out and the signal isn't too solid but it works. Ive notice it gets really hot considering it's a 2012 machine but it never overheated. The basic internals are accessible but it'd be easy to snap the plastic clips that hold the access panel on. It was too slow to run fruity loops, a music production suite and absolutely nothing else. That being my final plan for the machine but the constant lag issues and poor native audio just have me cutting my losses. I think this machine would been great back in the XP days but I think it would glitch badly running vista.

.... July 29th, 2012


its a great laptop. light weight and slim for easy transport. great support from the acer website. all plastic design meaning its slightly flimsy on the screen side of things. not for gaming by any means. and not the best cooling solution so it will get hot if sitting on cloth or other materials restricting airflow. but all in all. a great computer for school. web browsing causal light gaming and great for traveling.

.... March 14th, 2012

So far so good

I have had mine for abour two months and i love it. It has been easy to use and durable i would recomemend it it my friends.

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  • Acer Aspire 5333, 5733, 5733Z Notebook Service Guide

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