1994 Cadillac DeVille Reviews

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1994 Cadillac DeVille Reviews

efsmall.... June 15th, 2012

Treat it right and it will return the favor.

I purchased a 1994 Cadillac Deville Councours in 2004. The car had sat in the previous owners garage for about ten (7) years. It was his wifes car, she had passed away in approximatealy 1997. It took me 6 years to convince Lieutenant Colonel Dale B..... to sell me the car. I convinced him, only after reminding him than when I was 19 and had just finished restoring my 1969 Chevy Camaro to its factory pristine self. That car, I had decided was mine for life. It was beautiful. Burntg Orange, the white vinyl interior, the stock chevrolet wheels, and of course the stock motor. It was not a SS, but it was all original and a 3 speed factory to boot. It even had factory air conditioning, a must in hot southern california.

Anyway, the colonel owned a I dont know probably a 1950 to 1955 Ford Beast of a truck. It sat in front of his house, up the street from my parents house, where I than lived, and where my Camaro was parked in the street in front of the house.

His emergency brake failed, his truck rolled down the hill, his bumper took out the rear and side of my camaro. It was 1982. The insurance company valued my baby at about 3900. A gift they assured me. I was paid the car was declated a total loss and well, im ashamed to say, I bought a Nissan 1981 Nissan 280ZX.

Anyway, the Deville had 42,000 miles on it when I got it. It didnt and had never leaked a drop of oil. The only things I have done to it, is replaced the transmission solenoids at about 100k. Oil every 5,000 miles, new ignitions and wires, and Bosch plugs, and air filters. It gets about 12 to 14 in the city and 22 highway. The ride control and all that still works perfectly and the Brakes were replaced about a year ago by me. I replaced all 4 calipers, all four discs and all 8 pads at the same time. It brakes like a dream. I hand rub the leather once a month with Kiwi Mink Oil and clean the felt top and rear deck by scrubbing it gently with a horsehair shoe b polish brush. I use that same brush to clean out all ac grills.

It surprises many a new car owner when I slam the stick into low and punch it. It sounds like a rocket and accelerates lkike one as well. I hand rub trhe pearl white paint with Mcguirs and Clay it about every 6 months. It is pristine as a 18 year old car can be.

Proper maintenance is my only trick, oh and never I mean ever put coolant in the engone if that engine is warm, hot etcetera. That is what causes the dreaded head gasket problem. Remember this is a solid aluminum block. I also firmly believe that the soft pedal owners caused their own oil leak problems by not jumping on their accelerators and heating up that aliminum block and those thick rubber seals as these engines were meant to be jumped on. That rear seal needs lots of heat to expand and those aliminum blocks run pretty damn cool for the torque and horsepower they put out. Colonel Dale, did have an oil leak he reports after 10k miles.... Dutton Cadillac promptly removed the engine and replaced the seals. As I said, not one drop of oil has escaped from that engine. When I roll it to Vegas, the car porters all fight to drive it away....even if a new Benz, Jag or any other similar vehicle is available to them. Its old school, it loioks and drives nicely......Its pimp....Not many can drive the car and look good doing it. I do. My other car is a 2008 Supercharged 6 cylinder Regal. A car very often ignored by people. That is also a absolute thrill to drive.

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